Change log

Change log

**Update (Sat 20 Jul, 2024)

  1. Update: Update Packages version

  2. Update: Use Google's package instead of /google-map-react package. So you need to add your Google map API key to the REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY and REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAP_ID environment variable in the .env file

**Update (July 10, 2023)

  1. Update: Update Packages version

  2. Fixed: Fixed miss Common layout at page Add-listing-9

VERSION: 2.2.1 (06 MAR, 2023)

  1. Release v2.2.1

  2. Update: Remove basename from Router and Package.json file

  3. Update: Urgently update some backlog errors in the previous version 2.2.0

VERSION: 2.2.0 (05 MAR, 2023)

  1. Release v2.2.0

  2. Update!: Replace react-dates package with react-datepicker package (Cause: react-dates package has not been updated for a long time and better performance comes from react-datepicker package)

  3. Remove the moment package.

  4. Simplified HeroSearchForm components

VERSION: 2.1.3 (Dec 19, 2022)

  1. Update: update the dependency packages

  2. Update: Hero search form of Flight

VERSION: 2.1.2 (Oct 7, 2022)

  1. Update: update the NavigationItem.tsx component - Fixed bug at NavLink when updating to react-router-dom v6

VERSION: 2.1.1 (Oct 3, 2022)

  1. Update: update the dependency packages - React-router-dom to version 6.4.1

VERSION: 2.1.0 (September 2, 2022)

  1. Update: update the latest dependency packages version

  2. Update: Update all Heroicon to the latest version

VERSION: 2.0.0 (18 July, 2022)

  1. update: update the latest dependency packages version

  2. update: style for many components - Listing detail, Hero search form, Author box 2...

  3. New: New home demo - Home 3

  4. New: New Hero search form and New Hero search form for mobile

  5. Update: Update date out range picker on react-dates components

  6. Fix: Fix cannot click next/prev image on listing cards

  7. Update: More ....

VERSION: 1.3.0 (19 May, 2022)

  1. update: update react version to v.18.x

  2. update: update Headlessui to the latest version

  3. update: replace node-sass with sass dependency package

  4. Fix: Fix unable to connect to when installing node_module (yarn install)

  5. update: use hook useId() on Glide component.

VERSION: 1.2.0 (13 March, 2022)

  1. update: Update error opening the modal gallery in listing-detail pages

  2. update: Updated hero-form and reservation form in detail-listing pages: background-color in dark mode, optimizing how to date range picker works

  3. new: Show reservation form in detail-listing pages in mobile view

  4. update: update placeholder image on NcImage component - use SVG instead

  5. update: remove nanoId in sliders component

  6. update: update node-sass version 7

  7. update: update Headlessui to the latest version - 1.15.0

  8. update: update requires Nodejs from version 14.17.3 to version 16.x

VERSION: 1.1.0 (06 January, 2022)

  1. new: add Flight listing page -

  2. new: Hero-search add Flight search tab

  3. new: add new header-2 component -

  4. update: update tailwindcss to the latest version - 3.0.7

  5. update: add onChange function to Checkbox.tsx component

VERSION: 1.0.2 (31 OCTOBER, 2021)

  1. Add Real Estate home demo page

  2. Add new Hero section (HeroSection2)

  3. Add new component AuthorBox2

  4. Add Real Estate Listings page

  5. Add listing card PropertyCardH (For Real Estate)

  6. Add section component DowloadApp.

  7. Change my logo component to SVG

  8. Update Price Range Component to use rc-slider

VERSION: 1.0.1 (22 OCTOBER, 2021)

  1. Update responsive style for Contact page

  2. Update Glide slider item per view on mobile (1 to 1.3)

  3. Update docs to online.

Last updated