Database, Backend, CMS?

Sorry for the confusion,

As described, this is just a simple static template, it just includes the static components.

Templates only support you ready for 1 frontend interface,

To connect the template with the backend, CMS, there will be a lot of work to do (because it has many pages and many features),

So you will need to hire a developer to help you with that.

I can only assist you with custom templates (like customizing colors, fonts, customizing components, etc)

And finally, if the template can't meet your needs, open a refund ticket and we'll be happy to refund you so you can find another template that's more suitable.

Thanks and best regards

// However, if you want do it yoursel, if you are not really an experienced Nextjs/React developer here are some guidelines to get started:

Here is much more work to be done for that.

If you want to do it yourself, this will be a long term project. I think you need to understand and master the template first before going any further with it.

And now, If you want to continue with the template then I will support you, and here are some things that come to mind:

You should understand the router structure of Nextjs 13, it's quite easy to understand (

Although this is a simple template, you should go through each section gradually, and should start with the important sections first.

You will start with the main home page (app/page.tsx), the other home pages will be in (app/home-2).

In the home.tsx page, you should comment out all the sections in it, leaving only a section that you choose to start with. And you will begin to explore that section similarly. go to the section's .tsx file, comment out the other components and choose a component to work with.

And so you will gradually understand how to do, understand the structure. Then you will start thinking about data and how it is transmitted.

Since the template doesn't build on any CMS structure, and the components are just static components, you are free to choose how data is passed and managed.

You can get the API from the home page, then pass it to the sections, and then from the section to the child components. Or you can get the API from within individual sections. Then how to manage your data with Redux or Context, etc.

Maybe you are not really advanced with React, Nextjs so everything will be a bit difficult, but you are a developer, I believe you can do it.

I can't say it all right away, but I'm always here to help if you have any questions.

Last updated