Product reviews with Okendo

Use the product review feature of the Okendo app

  1. How to Obtain:

    • This is only useful if you want to use the product review feature of the Okendo app. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

  2. Installation and Configuration:

    1. Visit the Shopify Marketplace and search for the Okendo: Product Reviews & UGC application or navigate directly to

    2. Install the application, open it, and click the Open Okendo Platform button.

    3. On Okendo App > Settings > Integrations > Credentials > Okendo > Click edit button then copy the User ID and it will be the value for the PUBLIC_OKENDO_SUBSCRIBER_ID environment variable in the next step.

    4. Add the environment variable PUBLIC_OKENDO_SUBSCRIBER_ID to your storefront Managing environments -

    5. Expose Shopify Metafields: Okendo Reviews uses Product and Shop metafields. You will need to expose these metafields so that they can be retrieved by your Hydrogen app.

      At the moment, Shopify does not have a way of exposing Shop Metafields through their admin UI, so the preferred method is to contact Okendo Support and ask them to Expose Shopify Metafields for you, they will quickly and enthusiastically help you.

Last updated