🌟Hydrogen and Oxygen fundamentals

Hydrogen and Oxygen make up Shopify's recommended stack for headless commerce.

Article data is referenced from Shopify Hydrogen's instructions. Refer to the original article for a better view - https://shopify.dev/docs/custom-storefronts/hydrogen/fundamentals

Hydrogen and Oxygen make up Shopify's recommended stack for headless commerce. The different parts of the system work together to make it faster and easier to build and deploy headless Shopify stores.


Three key parts of the Hydrogen stack work together to enable a unified developer experience:

Developing each layer of this tech stack together means provides an end-to-end developer experience that reduces boilerplate code, improves productivity, and promotes optimal performance, accessibility, and SEO practices.


Project structure

Hydrogen projects are structured like typical Remix apps and you can configure them to your preferences. The following is the default Quickstart project structure:

Hydrogen project structure

Hydrogen project structure
📂 hydrogen-quickstart/
├── 📁 app/
│   ├── 📁 assets/
│   ├── 📁 components/
│   ├── 📁 graphql/
│   ├── 📁 lib/
│   ├── 📁 routes/
│   ├── 📁 styles/
│   ├── entry.client.jsx
│   ├── entry.server.jsx
│   └── root.jsx
├── 📁 public/
├── README.md
├── customer-accountapi.generated.d.ts
├── env.d.ts
├── jsconfig.json
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js
├── server.js
├── storefrontapi.generated.d.ts
├── tailwind.config.js
└── vite.config.js

Packages and dependencies

Hydrogen bundles a set of dependencies that work together to enable end-to-end development and deployment:

Hydrogen channel

The Hydrogen sales channel app needs to be installed on your Shopify store to enable the following features:

  • A Hydrogen sales channel where you can publish product inventory.

  • Oxygen hosting, to deploy your Hydrogen projects.

  • Managing storefronts and deployment environments, including environment variable management.

  • Access to deployment logs.


Remix is the open-source React-based framework that Hydrogen is built on top of. Hydrogen projects are Remix apps with a set of preconfigured options, bundled with a collection of Shopify-optimized components and utilities. Hydrogen includes a custom Remix adapter that compiles your project for hosting on Oxygen.


Consider completing Remix's 30-minute getting started tutorial for a solid foundation on the architecture and conventions of Remix apps.

Key Remix concepts


Oxygen is Shopify’s global deployment platform that's built for hosting Hydrogen storefronts at the edge. It provides multiple deployment environments, so you can preview every change before shipping it to production. Oxygen supports continuous deployment using GitHub, or you can configure your own custom CI/CD system.

Enable access to Oxygen by installing the Hydrogen channel.

Supported plans

Oxygen is available at no extra charge on paid Shopify plans:

  • Basic

  • Shopify

  • Advanced

  • Plus

Oxygen isn't available on Starter plans or development stores.

Technical specs

Oxygen is a worker-based JavaScript runtime, based on Cloudflare’s open-source workerd library. It supports web standard APIs such as Fetch, Cache, Streams, Web Crypto, and more. Some Node.js APIs aren't available. Check the Oxygen runtime details for a complete list.

If you prefer, you can self-host Hydrogen.


You can use Oxygen for hosting commerce storefronts. It's subject to the Shopify Acceptable Use Policy. Misuse or abuse of Oxygen might lead to throttling, suspension, or termination.

  • Worker files:

    • Must be 10 MB or less

    • Must be named index.js. The optional source map file must be named index.js.map.

    • Are limited to 30 seconds of CPU time per request

    • Can consume 128 MB max of memory. Exceeding this limit could mean dropped requests.

  • Static assets, maximum file sizes:

    • Images: 20 MB

    • Video: 1 GB

    • 3D models: 500 MB

    • Other files: 20 MB

Last updated