Optimize performance and improve GTmetrix score, Google PageSpeed Insights

Using cache plugins is a great way to improve page performance and load times, it's up to each person to choose which plugin to use. E.g: WP Rocket, LiteSpeed Cache, WP Super Cache ...

And in addition to using the above cache plugins, in this article we guide you to use 2 great optimization plugins, it will significantly improve GTmetrix score as well as Google PageSpeed Insights.

Both plugins are authored By Frank Goossens (futtta).

And here is the result of the ncmaz theme after using the above 2 plugins:

And now I will guide you to customize these 2 plugins to be compatible with the Ncmaz theme

You should customize it as shown in the image below

You should customize it as shown in the image below

Hope it can help with your site 💪!

Last updated