Translate some missing words
Since the theme works heavily on React, there are some words that cannot be translated in PHP, so you need to follow the steps below
Navigate and setup on: Theme options -> General settings -> Frontend translate -> Default Language code
In each new update, there may be new words that need to be translated, and you can follow them here and copy and paste them into your theme-options.
Note, the last translated sentence does not include a comma at the end of the line!
The latest: Version 4.0.0 - 26/9/2022
// 8-5-2024
Undo: "Undo",
Redo: "Redo",
Bold: "Bold",
Italic: "Italic",
Link: "Link",
"Bullet List": "Bullet List",
Heading: "Heading",
Blockquote: "Blockquote",
Code: "Code",
"Code Block": "Code Block",
"Ordered List": "Ordered List",
"Align right": "Align right",
"Align left": "Align left",
"Align center": "Align center",
Underline: "Underline",
Strike: "Strike",
Highlight: "Highlight",
iframe: "iframe",
"Horizontal Rule": "Horizontal Rule",
"Clear Format": "Clear Format",
"Hard Break": "Hard Break",
"Paste or type URL": "Paste or type URL",
"Heading 1": "Heading 1",
"Heading 2": "Heading 2",
"Heading 3": "Heading 3",
"Heading 4": "Heading 4",
"Heading 5": "Heading 5",
"Heading 6": "Heading 6",
"Post options": "Post options",
"Post format": "Post format",
"Video URL (Youtube, Vimeo, mp4 ... )":
"Video URL (Youtube, Vimeo, mp4 ... )",
"Audio URL": "Audio URL",
Youtube: "Youtube",
Vimeo: "Vimeo",
Twitter: "Twitter",
Facebook: "Facebook",
Instagram: "Instagram",
Medium: "Medium",
Linkedin: "Linkedin",
Pinterest: "Pinterest",
Github: "Github",
Twitch: "Twitch",
Tiktok: "Tiktok",
Telegram: "Telegram",
Whatsapp: "Whatsapp",
Discord: "Discord",
"sec left": "sec left",
"min left": "min left",
// 6-3-2023
"Are you sure you want to draft this post? You cannot undo this action.":
"Are you sure you want to draft this post? You cannot undo this action.",
"Are you sure you want to publish this post? You cannot undo this action.":
"Are you sure you want to publish this post? You cannot undo this action.",
"Draft post": "Draft post",
"Publish post": "Publish post",
// 20-12-2022
// New words added in the last update - 4.0.0
"Comment this post": "Comment this post",
"Edit post": "Edit post",
// End New words
"Add tags": "Add tags",
"Go to search page": "Go to search page",
"Now playing": "Now playing",
"Listen now": "Listen now",
"Type the URL of the iframe you want to embed": "Type the URL of the iframe you want to embed",
"Buymeacoffe": "Buymeacoffe",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"UX/UI Designer": "UX/UI Designer",
"Short Bio": "Short Bio",
"Upload a file": "Upload a file",
"Click to change": "Click to change",
"socials": "socials",
"profile": "profile",
"general": "general",
"Logout Account": "Logout Account",
"Add elsewhere links to your profile": "Add elsewhere links to your profile",
"Social profiles": "Social profiles",
"You should have an account here:": "You should have an account here:",
"A short Bio (e.g. occupation), this will show up in the author cards.": "A short Bio (e.g. occupation), this will show up in the author cards.",
"Biographical Info, this will show up in the author page.": "Biographical Info, this will show up in the author page.",
"Something about yourself in a few word.": "Something about yourself in a few word.",
"Biographical Info": "Biographical Info",
"Website": "Website",
"Nickname": "Nickname",
"required": "required",
"Last Name": "Last Name",
"First Name": "First Name",
"Set up your profile and manage your account": "Set up your profile and manage your account",
"Cover photo": "Cover photo",
"Profile picture": "Profile picture",
"Write an excerpt (optional)": "Write an excerpt (optional)",
"Post will be changed to draft. You can publish it later.": "Post will be changed to draft. You can publish it later.",
"Your account has been updated.": "Your account has been updated.",
"Post deleted successfully.": "Post deleted successfully.",
"Email": "Email",
"Display Name": "Display Name",
"Update profile": "Update profile",
"Edit profile": "Edit profile",
"Draft this post": "Draft this post",
"Post successful": "Post successful",
"Allow comments": "Allow comments",
"password": "password",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Manage your password": "Manage your password",
"Link copied": "Link copied!",
"Delete post": "Delete post",
"Password must be at least 6 characters": "Password must be at least 6 characters",
"Confirm password": "Confirm password",
"New password": "New password",
"Update your username and manage your account": "Update your username and manage your account",
"General settings": "General settings",
"Update password": "Update password",
"Are you sure you want to delete this post? You cannot undo this action.": "Are you sure you want to delete this post? You cannot undo this action.",
"Copy link": "Copy link",
"Update": "Update",
"Save draft": "Save draft",
"Drafts": "Drafts",
"Pendings": "Pendings",
"Published": "Published",
"Publish": "Publish",
"selected": "selected",
"Add up to 5 tags": "Add up to 5 tags",
"Add up to 5 categories": "Add up to 5 categories",
"Choose categories": "Choose categories",
"Add another": "Add another",
"Top tags": "Top tags",
"Add a cover image": "Add a cover image",
"Write your post content here…": "Write your post content here…",
"New post title here…": "New post title here…",
"File type is not allowed": "File type is not allowed",
"Only image files are permitted": "Only image files are permitted",
"Apply": "Apply",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Upload": "Upload",
"Insert from URL": "Insert from URL",
"Upload image": "Upload image",
"Unset link": "Unset link",
"Image URL": "Image URL",
"Gallery images": "Gallery images",
"Paste or type a link": "Paste or type a link",
"Alt text (alternative text)": "Alt text (alternative text)",
"Image": "Image",
"nothingWeFound": "Nothing we found!",
"author": "author",
"authors": "authors",
"all": "All",
"viewAll": "View All",
"articles": "Articles",
"categories": "categories",
"category": "category",
"tags": "tags",
"showMeMore": "Show me more",
"showAllPhotos": "Show all photos",
"relatedPosts": "Related Posts",
"moreFromAuthor": "More from author",
"ThistrackwasnotfoundMaybeitHasBeenRemoved": "This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed!",
"mostRecent": "Most Recent",
"mostLiked": "Most Liked",
"mostDiscussed": "Most Discussed",
"mostViewed": "Most Viewed",
"typeAndPressEnter": "Type and press enter",
"next": "Next",
"prev": "Prev",
"filters": "Filters",
"wereFoundForKeyword": "were found for keyword",
"LikedArticles": "Liked Articles",
"suggestions": "Suggestions",
"somethingWentWrong": "Something went wrong",
"other": "Other",
"otherTags": "Other Tags",
"otherCategories": "Other Categories",
"discoverOtherTags": "Discover other tags",
"discoverOtherCategories": "Discover other categories"
Last updated
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