Import Demo Contents

Import Demo Contents

We recommend you install and activate all default plugins before importing our demo: Tutorials.

Importing demo

  1. Go to Appearance -> Import demo data -> Select demo and click Import demo data button

  2. Install and Active all require plugins

  3. Appearance -> Import demo data -> Select demo and click Import demo data

  4. That!!

Go to Appearance -> Import demo data -> Select demo and click Import demo data button

Warning: Each import section usually takes up around 1 -> 4 minutes. If it takes more than 4 minutes, please click on the Import button again, it will continue importing from the previous section. To avoid this issue, you need to make sure your server meets our least requirements as mentioned in previous articles.


----------------- Settings Favorites button and Reading time text ---------------------------------

I- Settings -> Favorites->Display

1 - Uncheck auto display

2 - Change the button favorite

Copy this SVG code and paste to field custom button code:

<svg width="24" height="24" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1" d="M11.995 7.23319C10.5455 5.60999 8.12832 5.17335 6.31215 6.65972C4.49599 8.14609 4.2403 10.6312 5.66654 12.3892L11.995 18.25L18.3235 12.3892C19.7498 10.6312 19.5253 8.13046 17.6779 6.65972C15.8305 5.18899 13.4446 5.60999 11.995 7.23319Z" clip-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>

II - Settings -> Reading Time WP

Settings same this image

Last updated